Tag Archives: Society of Midwest Contesters

Casual Contesting – 2012 CQ SSB World Wide DX Contest.

Has been the CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest. Contest this weekend, and true to form there have been plenty of distractions.  Tom KC9JGD had a chance to visit home from University 6 hours drive away, my father needed some help which Tom KC9JGD, Vic KC9NWB and I spent a few hours at, we had a dinner engagement dating from before I realized the contest was this weekend, an appointment out of town that took four hours, the Green Bay Packers had a football game in during the contest (who schedules these football games, really… <grin>) and mother nature through in a charming wonderful weekend of weather begging for one to go outside (and do those chores….) … whew…..

Despite the conflicts I did get in two two-hour slots and ran up 50,000 points fairly quickly.

This contest is always a favorite as the report is simple – Signal and Your CQ Zone (Click for Zone Map) (mine is 04) and off you go.

The rules take a bit of study as you cannot hop around bands on a whimsy, a new Zone or a new Country is worth more than more contacts from places you already worked on that band, and domestic QSOs are basically worthless once you get one per USA Zone.

It also is a contest that is good fun whether you work it “contest serious” or “in between all that stuff in life style” like I did.

I spent a fair bit of time on 10 meters, picking up a number of first time DX on 10m along the way.

Again I used N3FJP’s CQ WW Contest Log Program, which though it lacks in “Eye Candy” having screens like an old Windows 3.21 Program, does the contest logging job precisely and with little bother.

I’ve been a bit off contests as of late, having known each contest weekend that I am short of time and have too many conflicts to put in a real effort.

The 2012 CQ SSB WPX was almost an afterthought, as I knew I could only get on a short while.

But it turned out to be a blast – when I ran up 5,000 points I wasn’t vert thrilled, and when I came back on I thought “let me just double that up to something over 10,000 points and I’ll get back to other things.”

When I passed 10,000 suddenly I was self-challenging myself to get to 20,000, then 40,000 points. Knowing I had obligations that wouldn’t move or go away, I raised the bar to 50,000 points and at 153 QSOs I passed that mark up.

Yes, only a trivial amount of QSOs. I went unaided (no spots) and just worked listening the band from end-to-end which netted me some great multipliers.

Took only a few moments to upload my log to me off-site storage, and to email it to the contest robot. At first I had two errors – nothing in a mandatory “Locations” header line and a typo in the club (Society of Midwest Contesters). The error message was clear and a minute later a successful resubmission of my log was acknowledged by the contest robot.

Good fun and recommended!



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Wrap-Up Report from the W9DXCC Convention 2010

A Wrap-Up Post having returned from the W9DXCC Hotel QTH in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.



An easy Sunday Morning drive discussing the events & ideas picked up at the W9DXCC with George W9EVT made for an excellent finish to my first W9DXCC.

At the Banquet I couldn’t have asked for finer table companions. The people behind the Battle Creek Special DXPedition antenna (Charlie W0CD, George W8GG and George W8UVZ), George W9EVT, Casey W9LP & his lovely XYL Lynnette, and Craig (I can’t read my own handwriting on his call – sorry!) made for an excellent banquet table discussion group!

Over and over I was surprised what a small world it is – one speaker had served on the same post as I had in a little place in Germany, another was going to a wedding in a spot in Northern Spain where we have family connections, a guest speaker was from a small village less than 10 miles from where my XYL lived, another speaker has worked Sigint/Elint in a unit type which gave us plenty to share, and having been to a good number of the new DXCC countries being formed from the Netherlands Antilles recently gave me a common interest with a number of people heading off to Sint Maarten, Bonaire and Aruba in a few weeks.

I particularly enjoyed chatting with Bruce W6OSP as he explained patiently to me the workings of the NCDXF. I’ve just made a membership donation today to support this fine effort to support DXing.

Of my information gaining/learning goals I did come away with a clearer understanding of the skills needed, time commitment and monetary costs of someday becoming a DXpedition participant. This looks very doable, once I get my ducks in order & my children through their education.

I didn’t get much chance to talk with the other area hams who came down for the presentations. They may have skipped the banquet as I only spoke with Tom K9CJM from our NEWDXA club.

On a personal level it was excellent to get my mind off my work by being engaged in thinking about our hobby for a few days.

The W9DXCC is definitely on my wish list for my 2011 calendar!



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Second Report from the W9DXCC Convention 2010

End of Presentations Post from the W9DXCC Hotel QTH in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.



Quite a nice group of presentations – very much enjoyed Alpha Amps, the NCDXF PJ7E Presentation and the IOTA T32 presentations as special standouts.

For the NCDXF PJ7 Expedition’s team leader Craig K9CT, with NCDXF’s President Bruce W6OSP did a great team presentation on the K4M Midway DXpedition and an update on the coming PJ7E DXpedition.

Very interesting was Bob W9KNI’s talk on “A Year of DX” and the CQ Magazine DX Marathon Contest.  Will have to look more at this as a fun way to get involved.

On the more technical side Peter G3RZP had interesting Antenna Tuner presentation, Larry N8LP covered his TelePost products and Carl K9LA talked on Solar Cycle-24.

More when I return to home.



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First Report from the W9DXCC Convention 2010

Just quick missive from the W9DXCC Hotel QTH in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.



An excellent drive down, with only a few weather delays, was made much more enjoyable with the company of George W9EVT as the navigator.

SMC Logo

SMC Logo

Arrived in time to join in an excellent time at a local pizzeria with the Society of Midwest Contesters, and very much enjoyed the evening’s conversation with the NCDXF PJ7 Expedition’s team leader Craig K9CT, NCDXF’s President Bruce W6OSP, team member Ralph K9ZO and about 18 other SMC members & friends.



Hearing of the NCDXF upcoming PJ7 event, especially as we’d been to Sint Maartin two years ago, and several of the other new entities this last winter, really puts the DXpedition “bug” into a person! Maybe sometime soon…..

Some websites related to the evening:

The 58th (2010) W9DXCC DX Convention & Banquet

The Northern California DX Foundation

The Society of Midwest Contesters

The PJ7 Sint Maarten DXpedition Website

As my present days start early, I’m tired enough thatI’m not going to be a hardcore DX Club Hospitality room participant, and will write more later in the weekend!



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