Tag Archives: K9LA

Ham Radio FCC Exposure Rules went Live

As of today the final FCC RF Exposure rules went live. From my division manager:

In the May 2023 QST, Greg Lapin, N9GL, wrote an article (on pages 64-66) titled “FCC Exposure Rules Soon to Affect Every US Radio Amateur.”

As of May 3, 2023 (that’s today!), all transmitters operating in the US are expected to comply with the exposure rules.

To evaluate your station’s RF exposure, go to http://arrl.org/rf-exposure-calculator.

Detailed instructions for each parameter are also at that site.

ARRL Central Division Director: Carl Luetzelschwab,
K9LA k9la@arrl.org

I’ve mentioned this when it was proposed: https://k9zw.wordpress.com/2019/12/07/so-what-are-the-new-rf-exposure-rules-in-a-nutshell/

The nifty ARRL calculator is at: http://arrl.org/rf-exposure-calculator

The background article is at: http://arrl.org/files/file/Lab/RF%20Exposure/2023-05%20Lapin%20FCC%20Exposure%20Rules.pdf

And the ARRL’s overview page is:  http://arrl.org/rf-exposure

I’ve run the calculations for each of my stations a couple years back, but with the rules going live seem an excellent opportunity to revisit the calculations.

Plus this time I will print the calculations to have in my respective station files rather than simply put them in a spreadsheet I would have to hunt for.



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Second Report from the W9DXCC Convention 2010

End of Presentations Post from the W9DXCC Hotel QTH in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.



Quite a nice group of presentations – very much enjoyed Alpha Amps, the NCDXF PJ7E Presentation and the IOTA T32 presentations as special standouts.

For the NCDXF PJ7 Expedition’s team leader Craig K9CT, with NCDXF’s President Bruce W6OSP did a great team presentation on the K4M Midway DXpedition and an update on the coming PJ7E DXpedition.

Very interesting was Bob W9KNI’s talk on “A Year of DX” and the CQ Magazine DX Marathon Contest.  Will have to look more at this as a fun way to get involved.

On the more technical side Peter G3RZP had interesting Antenna Tuner presentation, Larry N8LP covered his TelePost products and Carl K9LA talked on Solar Cycle-24.

More when I return to home.



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