Tag Archives: W9EVT

NCDXF – Remembering George W9EVT

At George W9EVT’s celebration of life, a remembrance memorial at the North California DX Foundation (NCDXF) was announced.  In all honesty I have forgot what the minimum dollar goal was – perhaps $10-12K I’m thinking.

As I’ve been an on-again/off-again NCDXF supporter, I kicked in $2,500 towards the W9EVT goal, knowing that a good DX contact is not only something I remember exciting George W9EVT, but one that gets me enthused about ham radio.

As a donor got this neat “badge” I get to claim for a while:


I have no idea if someone “stacks” these badges or if they expire at some point in time.

The one thing I do know, is the positive effects of knowing George W9EVT will only expire when my life is done.

So I guess that is good enough for me!



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A fitting Celebration of Life – W9EVT SK

George W9EVT’s Celebration of Life was truly “humbly-awesome” in every which way.

The main event was under a marque on the lawns of Greengate Farm, where a series of family and friends spoke. I was honored to speak in reference to George’s ham radio activities, and I invite you to read my notes at:

Notes for George W9EVT’s Celebration of Life (pdf)

We activated George’s hamshack, using his favored Hilberling PT-8000A Transceiver and a special event callsign W9U arranged through the Washington Island DX CLub WI9DX.

His XYL, Children and one of his Grandchildren were on the air during the special event, as well as spouses, friends, visiting hams and about anyone who was interested. Jovan KB9K spelled me as we put the group on the air.

The total number of W9U contacts was modest, but the impact on each person was profound.

One of George W9EVT’s grandsons operating with K9ZW, with Don KK9H and Tom K0TTC and guests

I returned the next day to put a few folk who wanted to operate that had been missed on Saturday.

As the Ulm family had cleaned and prepared the Hamshack for visitors, and once I was in the shack I was busy helping people get on the air, I hadn’t realized that W9EVT’s cremated remains were at my left elbow until my wife told me later.

The period we operated wasn’t the best for propagation as solar activity was causing minor radio blackouts – yet we somehow made contacts.

It was so tranquil and rewarding to get each person on the air, smiling hard when it was my time time to say “Call CQ, now!” helping them with their timing.  Each time I thought of W9EVT helping me with his “Now!” as I learned to operate.

Perhaps it was a bit of wisdom and energy channeled by W9EVT we were experiencing?

George W9EVT Tribute

Several less active hams  got on the air, and it was truly rewarding to help them find their cadence and rhythm as they returned to HF radio operating during the tribute.

The stations we worked – the folks in Canada, Puerto Rico, TX, AL, and  another dozen states – were simply wonderful!

These operators were patient, encouraging and enthusiastic from the start.  (QSL via WI9DX please)

Truly the whole experience was a “humbly-awesome” Celebration of Life for my friend & Elmer George W9EVT.

Rest in Peace George W9EVT, as your signal – your energy put to life and our hobby – certainly continues on!



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Request for Participation contacting W9U Saturday July 22nd for George W9EVT’s Celebration of Life

This Saturday as part of the Celebration of Life for George W9EVT, the Washington Island DX Club arranged for the 1×1 call sign W9U to be used from W9EVT’s hamshack.

Knowing that he often spoke warmly of his net friends we’re hoping that those available might keep an ear on the airwaves (20m, 14.268 or 14.307 or nearby QSY to clear other traffic) and contact the guest operators. Hoping you can help spread the word among your contacts.

The Celebration of Life is scheduled for Saturday July 22nd, 2023, starting at 1:00 PM Local (18:00 UTC) and likely operations will start around 2:30-3:00 PM Local (19:30-20:00 UTC).

W9U is available July 20th to 24th, so depending on operator interest the hamshack might be on the air during that window.

For the event we are using W9EVT’s prized Hilberling PT8000A Transceiver.

Hope to catch you on the air during the W9U event.

I’ve made a memorial donation in George’s W9EVT’s remembrance to the Northern California DX Foundation Cycle-25 Fund – NCDXF Cycle 25 Fund.

(As a clarification since I was asked to find out, the W9U is reserved for use by the WI9DX Club and is not set up for general use by others.  So feel free to call the operators on W9U – however you ONLY can use W9U as a temporary callsign if you are operating from George W9EVT’s shack where the WI9DX Club is collocated.)



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The Hardest QSO

In preparation for the Celebration of Life for George W9EVT (sk), George’s wife Susan and Family had asked me to prepare a station out of the vast collection for attendees to use.

In many ways the operating area of the shack had only gathered additional clutter as it was largely left the way it was when George W9EVT had his last operating sessions in late October 2022.

A short team cleaning session cleared the main operating area and it was “puzzle solving time” figuring out power, antennas, and station flow chart, all without W9EVT as a reference.

Over and over my thoughts went towards “I’ll have to ask George how this is hooked up” which of course started the waves of melancholy interspersed with unresolved grief and the warmest memories of being coached by George in station operations.

Cascading emotions slowed me to a snails pace, as though I was asked to set up operations I also felt like I was working with another’s equipment, uncertain if W9EVT would wish it so or not.

Continue reading

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George W9EVT SK – Celebration of Life 22 July 2023

George’s family sent this my way to share:

There will be more details to follow, as this is a “save the date” notification at this stage.



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Third Owner – Original 1958 Collins S-Line Station

32S1 – Case Off for Testing

75S1 – Case Off for Testing

516F2 Power Supply

312B4 Station Control/Meter

312B3 Speaker

32S-1 and 75S-1 Transmitter/Receiver set were purchased new and kept together until becoming part of the Dexter K5WDW collection.

Dexter K5WDW has added a similar vintage and quality Power Supply, VFO, and Speaker. Everything is Winged Emblem (WE) because of the early vintage.

I started taking to Dexter K5WDW as the 32S-1 transmitter from my ad hoc set started acting up and was being troublesome on the Chuck W9KR repair bench. I had not really expected to end up buying a complete station, but when I realized Dexter’s 32S-1 and 75S-1 had such a great history together, and that the remaining components had been assembled with great care many decades ago, I dug deeper into my radio funds to acquire the complete setup.

As an explanation my buddy George W9EVT (SK) started my S-1 station building with a 75S-1 that had come in a lot of radios he had acquired, with his challenge to “build out the station.”

For the time being my ad-hoc S-Line “S-1” vintage station will be kept as backups and spares to the wonderful setup purchased from Dexter K5WDW.  I will use the 30L1 amplifier with the new to me setup.



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