Tag Archives: K9CJM

Wrap-Up Report from the W9DXCC Convention 2010

A Wrap-Up Post having returned from the W9DXCC Hotel QTH in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.



An easy Sunday Morning drive discussing the events & ideas picked up at the W9DXCC with George W9EVT made for an excellent finish to my first W9DXCC.

At the Banquet I couldn’t have asked for finer table companions. The people behind the Battle Creek Special DXPedition antenna (Charlie W0CD, George W8GG and George W8UVZ), George W9EVT, Casey W9LP & his lovely XYL Lynnette, and Craig (I can’t read my own handwriting on his call – sorry!) made for an excellent banquet table discussion group!

Over and over I was surprised what a small world it is – one speaker had served on the same post as I had in a little place in Germany, another was going to a wedding in a spot in Northern Spain where we have family connections, a guest speaker was from a small village less than 10 miles from where my XYL lived, another speaker has worked Sigint/Elint in a unit type which gave us plenty to share, and having been to a good number of the new DXCC countries being formed from the Netherlands Antilles recently gave me a common interest with a number of people heading off to Sint Maarten, Bonaire and Aruba in a few weeks.

I particularly enjoyed chatting with Bruce W6OSP as he explained patiently to me the workings of the NCDXF. I’ve just made a membership donation today to support this fine effort to support DXing.

Of my information gaining/learning goals I did come away with a clearer understanding of the skills needed, time commitment and monetary costs of someday becoming a DXpedition participant. This looks very doable, once I get my ducks in order & my children through their education.

I didn’t get much chance to talk with the other area hams who came down for the presentations. They may have skipped the banquet as I only spoke with Tom K9CJM from our NEWDXA club.

On a personal level it was excellent to get my mind off my work by being engaged in thinking about our hobby for a few days.

The W9DXCC is definitely on my wish list for my 2011 calendar!



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