Dayton – 2011 – Random Notes Edition 4

A very good day at Dayton today. Started with a 30 year reunion with two cousins who should have been kept better in touch with – “my bad” as they say, and an easy fix for the future. Breakfast rendezvous at a Bob Evan’s restaurant was a blast, and we did look around at the Hara together.

Hit my moments of “the splurge” and bought two RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) books, some contact cleaner for my son Winston KC9FVR, and picked up some “dream flyers” which will substitute for actual purchases. Did look at possible Rotor upgrades, though it will be easier to swap in the overhauled spare Ham-IV rotor for the one on my tower that is baulking now and then.

Had a nice chat with the Hilberling team, including Herr Hilberling at their booth. Very much wish them well with the USA introduction of this radio.

For whatever reason the Hara was in failure mode – 1/2 hour waits to use the bathroom as a great many were broken and nobody thought to bring in Portalets to cover the needs of the crowd. This is beyond shabby and should have been covered in a contingency plan.

The heat was pretty rugged too, as all the ceiling fans were off! Standing talking to your Division ARRL Director with sweat dripping down everyone’s faces is a testament to the fraternity of Amateur Radio despite lousy eyeball QSO conditions!

George W9EVT did his huge circuit of the Swap-Meet area and for a gentlemen who’s age is about the same number as my IQ, he does awesome. I have to take cue from his stamina and go-get-‘um!

Tonight is the Flex-Radio Banquet, with a demonstration of remoting a Flex Shack as a feature. Looking forward to it!

All best and 73 from Dayton!



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