Tag Archives: Alp

FlexRadio makes a TunerGenius XL annoucement

FlexRadio Systems 4o3a partnership project’s long await TGXL Tuner Genius XL is in final beta testing. At the recent online hamfest a video was launched:

Per FCC rule FlexRadio cannot take orders prior to FCC approval but they are collecting a list of interested parties.

To quote the FRS community:  Mack (W4AX) did an excellent job explaining the certification and shipment issues on his latest post on the Flex Forum:

Here’s the official word.

The TGXL’s have shipped.

I am running a very small Beta test to make sure they are rock solid.

I expect that to take three weeks. By then we will have the full FCC and CE certifications.

The first shipments will go to people who purchased a PGXL during the promotional period that included a free tuner.

We expect to clear that backlog not later than the end of June.

At that point shipments will begin to people who are on the wait list.

Firm orders will be taken as soon as we have the FCC and CE certifications.

TGXLs are being manufactured as quickly as possible.

There is a huge demand.

Mack W4AX
Program Manager

Nothing heard in years on the Alpha 4040 or the Kessler autotuners. I’m hoping to seem my PGXLs by summertime.



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