Tag Archives: W9DK

The ARRL Special Service Club Program

ARRL Special Service Club – What is it?

Several people have asked if this is an Emcomm thing?

Actually it is a program designed to encourage a “Big Tent” approach to Amateur Radio Clubs where Emcomm plays one of the roles as part of a series of community orientated activities.

From the ARRL Website:

For Special Service Clubs

This section is presented to assist Special Service Clubs in maintaining their SSC status. SSCs have gone through a process above and beyond the requirements for other affiliated clubs. These clubs have demonstrated proficiency in the following areas:

a. Training and supporting local Amateur Radio efforts in licensing, upgrading and continuing education or elmering.

b. Public Relations and improving the visibility of Amateur Radio, promoting it as a positive force within the community.

c. A willingness to become involved in any local emergency or drill.

d. Technical Advancement and encouraging members to become more familiar and knowledgeable in technical Amateur Radio aspects in the community.

e. Operating Activities in which a substantial program is conducted in an area of particular interest of the club; and,

f. Miscellaneous Activities in which ongoing programs or activities are in additional established areas (or suitable substitutes).

What is the Special Service Club Program?

Your ARRL Board of Directors, recognizing that local problems are best solved at the local level. The local club is the best representative of Amateur Radio’s interests at the local level, created the Special Service Club Program. To participate, a club must commit itself to establish a more effective local presence for Amateur Radio for a period of twelve months. In particular, it will establish meaningful programs in a number of areas as specified in the program guidelines. A truly effective SSC will also go beyond the basic requirements and seek to broaden the Amateur Radio experience and capabilities of its members; it will also encourage a spirit of beneficence and camaraderie among its members. In return, ARRL HQ will provide additional support and guidance to those clubs who commit themselves to a high level of performance.

What is the Goal of the SSC Program?

The goal of the SSC Program is to establish a more aggressive, more effective presence for Amateur Radio and the ARRL locally. The goal is also to ensure that necessary skills exist and local resources are organized for an effective response to any local situation where Amateur Radio can contribute as a public service, or can benefit from positive exposure. Encourage affiliated clubs in the section to become more active and, if the club is already healthy and effective, to apply as a Special Service Club (SSC).

Clubs can apply online http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/club/forms/fsd7/app.html Work with other section leadership officials (Section Emergency Coordinator, Public Information Coordinator, Technical Coordinator, State Government Liaison. etc.) to ensure that clubs are involved in the mainstream of ARRL Field Organization activities. Encourage new clubs to become ARRL affiliated. Ensure that annual progress reports (updated officers. liaison mailing addresses etc.) are forthcoming from all affiliated clubs. Work on establishing an ongoing relationship with your ACC. Get involved, get active, and your commitment to growth will benefit your club, your community, and the Amateur Radio Service as a whole. Remember, however, that Affiliated Club Coordinators are volunteers. You can make your ACC’s job easier by following a few easy steps: (1) Ensure that your club’s SSC Renewal Form is completed and sent to ARRL HQ, who will then forward it to your ACC for approval. (2) If a problem occurs within the club, notify your ACC immediately; (3) Send a copy of your club’s newsletter to your ACC. He or she would probably enjoy keeping up on your latest club news; (4) lnform HQ and your ACC of any change in club officers. Headquarters requests that courtesy so we can keep our data base of clubs as up to date as possible. Your ACC will appreciate the same courtesy. Take advantage of this important field resource at your fingertips: The Affiliated Club Coordinator. Tapping this important resource is well worth the time!


A great program that our local radio club, Mancorad W9DK, has participated in for some years.



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Manitowoc County Amateur Radio Community Increases Participation Opportunities for Ham Radio Enthusiasts

Manitowoc County Amateur Radio Community Increases Participation Opportunities for Ham Radio Enthusiasts

November 2009 has seen an exciting new Manitowoc County Amateur Radio development with the spin-out from the Mancorad Radio Club Inc of a formal Manitowoc ARES/RACES Group.

Meeting the training and documentation demands of FEMA, DHS and other agencies involved with emergency communications (“Emcomm” in the jargon) a number of Mancorad Radio Club members joined with other amateurs to create a formal organization to support ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) and RACES (Radio Amateur Civilian Emergency Service).  ARES & RACES are parallel organizations responding to the needs for communication support to numerous public and service organizations in a time of Emergency.  The RACES layer is a Federal Program which can be activated in the most serious emergency situations when all other amateur radio would be silenced.

For further information on the new separate Manitowoc ARES/RACES Group, call sign W9RES, Point of contact is Dan Cole N9NCU Manitowoc ARES/RACES Emergency Coordinator/Radio Officer at n9ncu-@-arrl.net

The Mancorad Radio Club is W9DK supporting two separate 2m radio repeater sites, administering the SKYWARN Emcomm Weather-Spotting program, teaching initial Amateur Radio classes and supporting the wide activities of all Manitowoc County Amateur Radio Licensees.  Mancorad has been in continuous operation since 1946 as a not-for-profit corporation, currently in process of securing 501(c)3 status and recognized by the American Amateur Radio Relay League as a “Special Service Club.”

Recent Mancorad Club activities have included June 2009 “Field Day” in conjunction with Lakeshore Technical College where the college & club’s first two-way communications with the ISSS (International Space Station) was made, a US Island Program “first time island activation” of an Appleton area island using portable radio equipment in October 2009, support of a number of public events including 2009’s Two River’s Fish Derby, and regular operations from the Mancorad Club radio room.

For 2010 the Mancorad Radio Club has a planned new ham “Hamcram” one-day study course & FCC testing on February 6th 2010, June 2010 Field Day, a Winter US Island activation (date depends on ice conditions), several radio contest efforts scheduled, monthly club meetings, SKYWARN & other Emcomm training, and a Lighthouse Activation by radio.  Point of contact is Rich Weyer KC9LOA Mancorad President at president-@-w9dk.com Website is http://www.w9dk.com

Other Amateur Radio opportunities in the Manitowoc area include:

  • C.M.S. Counties REACT – an emergency communications group that uses amateur radio and other frequencies to conduct various activities including search and rescue – contact Nate Van Da Huvel KC9LFQ at 920-627-3311.
  • NEWDXA – Northeast Wisconsin DX Association– an organization focused on the support of Amateurs contacting & tracking contacts with other countries – contact George Croy W9MDP at w9dxa-@-arrl.net
  • USS Cobia Radio Club NB9QV –which operates periodically from the Maritime Museum, specially on Museum Ship event dates – contact – Fred Neuenfeldt W6BSF at w6bs-f@-arrl.net
  • Lakeshore Technical College Amateur Radio Club W9LTC– which is in support of the LTC radio efforts – contact John Meyer NZ9Z at nz9z-@-arrl.net

Mancorad Radio Club – info-@-w9dk.com- http://www.w9dk.com– PO Box 204, Manitowoc, WI 54221


[Note the W9RES Callsign is “Pending Level 2” and will be first assigned to the ARES/RACES Group on December 5th.  Email addresses have been modified per request to users @arrl.net alias addresses and further modified with a “-” added before & after “@” in each address.  The Press Release is a Mancorad Club official release and was neither authored nor approved by the other clubs & opportunities for amateur involvement (yes, they have whined about being given positive PR).  Your Mileage May Vary, One Size Does Not Fit All, and past results are not indications of future performance & significant risks come with investment!]

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“The Flats” WI046R First Time Island Activation by W9DK

ManCoRad Radio Club - WWW.W9DK.COM

On October 17th 2009 the Mancorad W9DK Radio Club successfully qualified “The Flats” Island in Appleton Wisconsin as First Time Activators!

The field team for W9DK consisted of:

  • Jody KC9KVT
  • Gene KB9KXF
  • Rich KC9LOA
  • Steve K9ZW

The W9DK team made 26 QSOs with 5 DXCC countries – Germany, Madeira Island, Spain, Canada & USA – using the W9DK Club Call Sign.

Weather was tough – started with small amount of snow/sleet, then rained lightly, then for maybe an hour got above 40 F and briefly the sun came out. Mostly it was that Wet, Gray, Breezy Sun-less damp cold that everyone hates. Not real that bad, but wet cold draining weather.

Once the Island was activated the station was quickly taken down and we retreated to the warm interior of the truck.

Photos at: http://web.me.com/steveweinert/K9ZW/W9DK_Island_17_Oct_09.html

“The Flats” ia an Island in the “Fox River,” Outagamie County, Appleton, Wisconsin

The Flats Island

We were also operating as a Class-C participant in the W/VE QSO Party – so let us know if you need us to note our Island Rover status when we exchange QSLs.

Links are: W9DK – http://www.w9dk.com
US Islands – http://www.usislands.org
W/VE QSO Party – http://www.usislands.org/contest_rules.html

W9DK is good at QRZ.com and information is also at W9DK.com but please indicate that it is a USi event QSL and the Island you worked us on. We will be doing eQSLs in a couple weeks.

Mailed QSLs to Mancorad Radio Club W9DK
Attn: USi Activation QSL
PO Box 204
Manitowoc, WI 54221



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US Islands W9DK – First Time Activation Oct 17th 2009

It is official, the Mancorad W9DK October 2009 US Islands effort was approved as a Mancorad W9DK official club event.

ManCoRad Radio Club - WWW.W9DK.COM

For the Oct 17th event we will be using W9DK/Flats from “The Flats” Island until we have enough QSO’s logged to qualify the Island, at which time we will be able to give out the US Island identifier.

We will also be operating as a Class-C participant in the W/VE QSO Party – so let us know if you need us as an Island Rover as well.

Links are: W9DK – http://www.w9dk.com
US Islands – http://www.usislands.org
W/VE QSO Party – http://www.usislands.org/contest_rules.html

W9DK is good at QRZ.com, but PLEASE indicate that it is a USi event QSL and which Island you worked us on. We will be doing eQSLs afterwards.

Mailed QSLs to Mancorad Radio Club W9DK
Attn: USi Activation QSL
PO Box 204
Manitowoc, WI 54221



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US Islands Announcement – First Time Activation Oct 17th 2009

Members of Mancorad W9DK Radio Club are planning a first time activation of “The Flats” an Island in the “Fox River,” Outagamie County, Appleton, Wisconsin

The Flats Island

It has a pre-approved US Islands ID which will be released upon successful activation. http://www.usislands.org

Expected activation team is

Steve K9ZW *
Carl KA9WYK *
Tim N7TAL and

* = Usual “W9DK Island Activation Ring Leaders” as the rest may have issues with work schedules. We will confirm the activation participants after the event.

Planning to on-air from approximately 1400 UTC (9 am local) onwards.

If we do not have a pile up, we will likely move to one of the other pre-approved Islands nearby once “The Flats” is well qualified. Potential “second stops” are both on Lake Buttes des Morts – Winnebago County.

Our rain date is Sunday the 18th.

Our double rain date is a reschedule.

We will be on 20m SSB and possibly PSK, and additional frequencies as weather & antennas allow.

The Mancorad W9DK Club Website is http://www.w9dk.com

Announcement coordination will also be done via my blog “With Varying Frequency” at https://k9zw.wordpress.com/

Contact email is k9zw at mac.com

If the weather is good we may have live email and log posting from the island.

QSL via eQSL to W9DK and via the club. W9DK is good at http://www.qrz.com/db/w9dk/



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Local Mancorad W9DK Club News – September 2009

Have been rather busy and very involved with work, family and a little bit of Radio.

A few nights I was able to make the 1.895 Everyday 160m Net at 00:00z and had caught a very small amount of DX on mostly 20m.

Our local club has several very good things going on:

– A Hamcram is in planning
– We have several new members
– Members involved with the USS Cobia Submarine & Museum have started a formal Club to support their activations (NB9QV).
– Members were treated to an exception view of the ISS and Space Shuttle crossing above the club shack after our meeting. – We have a new draft constitution in the works.
– Our 501(c)3 Filing is in the works.
– We’re planning a US Island Activation for the Island Weekend Oct 17th/18th.
– Our former ARES/RACES Component seems well established on their own and happier.

More over the next week or so!



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