Tag Archives: Scout

Washed Out Field Day

Flooding over the top of the culvert bridge with the 3 ft wide stream out of its banks

Both of the area clubs either canceled or sharply curtailed their Field Day activities when faced with harsh thunderstorms which dropped nearly five inches of rain, causing flooding and spawning at least six tornados in Wisconsin.

As the stream between my house and my workshop hamshack flooded the roads to the hamshack, I decided it wasn’t worth a trip to the hamshack.  The culverts beneath the bridge were a foot under water and the water was rushing over the top of the roadway.  What usually is a 3 foot wide stream had broken over its banks and was 30 to 60 foot wide.  Not to mention that it kept raining.

Somehow doing remote Field Day operations from the house didn’t appeal, and I decided on a “radio free weekend” instead.

Not a huge disappointment given that Field Day is only about the camaraderie for me.  The tech-side is easy, but the people side is the “special sauce” I like.

Our dog Scout is wearing a cone to protect the stitches she earned chasing some varmint off the property, and she hung out next to my reading chair while I did a spot of escape reading.

Scout wearing her cone

Finished the latest Jack Reacher adventure novel The Secret and got a goodly way into the latest Matt Bracken Doomsday Reef novel. Recommend both books.

Also caught up on household paperwork.

Naught a QSO in the weekend.



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