ARRL LoTW Extended Outage – Yawn

The ARRL Logbook of the World has been kaput for a week as I type.

The system, plus the learning center at the ARRL, sort of went “poof” disappearing in total.

About two years ago LoTW was down but the auxiliary servers continued to accept and queued submissions. Not so this time.

This time the ARRL is being rather tight lipped about what has happened, causes, fixes and timeframes. Like really tight lipped.

Of course in the absence of information imaginations fill the void, and the rumble between hams is cyber attacks, ransomware, or worse.

What is for certain is right now the system doesn’t work.

Before the Virus Lockdowns I had restarted using LoTW, though I basically never emphasised using it, and have been doing periodic LoTW updates rather than qso-by-qso auto-logging there. Was doing it as a common courtesy to fellow hams.

Guess that makes me into a LoTW user who isn’t very bothered if they are offline.

If LoTW doesn’t return, I don’t think my life will be affected either.

Now one thing I am unhappy about is how the ARRL has brushed-off membership queries. Unless being frank with the membership was illegal or would make the situation worse, I can’t think of a reasonable excuse for their silence.



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One thought on “ARRL LoTW Extended Outage – Yawn

  1. Kuby, N6JSX/8 says:

    MFJ servers went offline on the 17th…

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