ARRL Frequency Measurement Test 2019 – an Amateur’s Challenge

While I don’t think I will be up and running with the new station for the November 7th 2019 FMT, you might want to check it out.

The ARRL Frequency Measurement Test is on the evening of November 7th, Thursday night

0200Z-0520Z Nov 8, Submit Measurements by 0200Z, Nov 11

K5CM 40m (near 7064 kHz)
0200Z Call up for 3 minutes
0203Z Key down for 2 minutes
0205Z End of run

K5CM 80m (near 3598 kHz)
0215Z Call up for 3 minutes
0218Z Key down for 2 minutes
0220Z End of run

K5CM 40m (near 7064 kHz)
0500Z Call up for 3 minutes
0503Z Key down for 2 minutes
0505Z End of run

K5CM 80m (near 3598 kHz)
0515Z Call up for 3 minutes
0518Z Key down for 2 minutes
0520Z End of FMT

A couple reflectors shared some information on tools you can use:

…the FreqCal part of WSJTx.

Spectrum Lab is also a good tool. It can record lots of data for subsequent analysis. Plus you can run multiple instances with multiple slices. It does require some setup so practice early.  [courtesy of ] Logan KE7AZ

Logan also recommended as a good reference on how to do teh test.  It is a PDF of a PowerPoint, so some stuff is spread out like slides do, but it is all there.

Good luck and have at ‘er!



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