Correction of US Custom’s Knife Debacle Needing Our Support

Following up on my article “Will our Coax Tools & other Knives get us in trouble? ” at a MAJOR effort by KnifeRights.Org ( ) has advanced a very important amendment to the flawed legislation.

Amendment Number 1447 to DHS Appropriations H.R. 2892 would correct a blunder of law that would otherwise reclassify almost every folder, folder tool or latching knife as a Switch Blade.

Your support is needed!

Check out the URL

for information on the effort.

Following the effort on Twitter there is some VERY good news!

“Amendment has passed in the Senate. After passage of DHS Appropriations Bill, expected shortly, next stop will be Conference Committee. 23 minutes ago from web”

Now we need to keep up the pressure to prevent committee from pulling the amendment or neutering it.



One thought on “Correction of US Custom’s Knife Debacle Needing Our Support

  1. Gayland Grant WB9SKB says:

    Will it won’t be long you can’t even SMILE

    WB9SKB Gayland Grant

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